
Exhibitions, competitions, awards, discussions, guided tours, celebrations and much more for everybody in all city districts

Barcelona will be holding its Architecture Weeks from 14 May to 28 June, offering seven weeks of wide-ranging events designed to strengthen the link between architecture and the general public. In its architecture, Barcelona has an urban heritage of indisputable value, and the Weeks will help to reinforce the feeling among city residents that this heritage is theirs. At the same time, we want it to be a celebration and a meeting space for all audiences where together we will learn about, experience and celebrate our city's architecture and heritage.

Organised by Barcelona City Council and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, the Architecture Weeks have five strategic partners, namely, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, the FAD/Arquinfad, 48H Open House Barcelona, Construmat and the Technical Architects’ Association of Barcelona, as well as some 15 academic partners: all the Catalan schools of architecture, urban planning, landscape architecture and spatial design.

Since the first edition in 2017, Barcelona’s Architecture Weeks have been open to all organisations devoted to the promotion of architecture in the city, as well as a representation of different cultural, social and artistic disciplines. This year, 74 entities and 12 universities have responded to the open call, and together we will offer more than 183 activities aimed at audiences of all kinds, to reflect on and share how the built city has adapted to today's challenges – the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals – with a view to Barcelona becoming the World Capital of Architecture in 2026.