Guided tour of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) Building

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C. de l'Arquitecte Sert, 1 (08071)
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Guided tour of the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) Building

Presentation of the building with a video by Joan Falgueras Font about the work, within the context of the professional and personal life of Álvaro Siza Vieira. To cap it off, there is a guided tour of the building, which is the work of Álvaro Siza Vieira, with the collaboration of the architect Joan Falgueras Font and the Torroja engineering firm (Torroja Ingenieria) . The work distances itself from Barcelona's residential Vila Olímpica neighbourhood and evokes its relationship with coastal artefacts: breakwaters and cargo ships, silos and water tanks, cranes, lighthouses and chimney stacks.

Inscriptions 05/21

Inscriptions 05/28

Inscriptions 06/04


Type of activity
Guided tours and routes
Sant Martí
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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