Guided tour of Palau Montaner

Activity finished

C. Mallorca, 278 (08037)
Skip main gallery

Rafael Claveria will give a presentation followed by a guided tour of the building on 05/21.

Lluís Domènech i Montaner (1849-1923), the great modernist architect, continued the work on Palau Montaner, after Josep Domènech i Estapà, the building's first architect, left the project due to disagreements with the property owner. Despite the creative freedom that the building's owner, the publisher Ramon de Montaner i Vila, granted to Domènech i Montaner to build his family mansion, the architect decided to continue the work from the frame built by his predecessor and included ornamental elements.

Inscriptions 05/21

Inscriptions 05/28

Inscriptions 06/04

Inscriptions 06/11

Inscriptions 06/25


Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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