Sgraffiti Barcelona

Activity finished

Pl. del Fort Pienc, 4-5 (08013)
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Route through the Eixample neighbourhood based on the book La Barcelona esgrafiada, by Lluís Duran.

Unique itinerary based on the book Sgraffiti Barcelona, by Lluís Duran (Barcelona Llibres, 2023) in which we will walk through Dreta de l'Eixample and discover some of the most original façades in the neighbourhood decorated with this technique that not only beautifies the buildings, but gives them a unique nature. In the words of the author, this tour will be a gift for our eyes. Led by Núria Pujol, historian and official guide.

Please arrive 10 minutes early, and wear headphones with wires.


Type of activity
Guided tours and routes
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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