El meu millor error

Activity finished

C/ Pere IV, 228 (08005)
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Four architects talk to us about the opportunities in mistakes.

We all make mistakes and should not be ashamed of them; because, very often, those who make mistakes are the ones who have tried to do something different, out of the ordinary, without blindly repeating a worn-out formula that doesn't pose many complications.

The world we live in is facing a climate and housing emergency, and architects are called to explore new ways of doing architecture and planning territory. We cannot continue doing exactly the same as we have been doing so far, without questioning our previous solutions. We must try to do things differently and, in this attempt, when we design and plan, we will certainly make mistakes. Welcome these mistakes; we can learn many things from them!

Let's share our mistakes with each other, let's dare to share everything we have tried that didn't quite work out. Just because an innovative idea didn't work out, we shouldn't be afraid to discuss it with colleagues.

This is not the time for personal vanity, for flaunting certainties and easy successes. It's time to share doubts, questions, uncertainties, and failures.

Today, with four brave architects, we will celebrate their own mistakes together; and with courage, rigor, and good humor, through a public vote, we will proudly award the 2024 CUP FOR THE BEST ARCHITECTURAL MISTAKE.

With Josep Bunyesc, Victoria Garriga, Pablo Martínez i Benedetta Tagliabue.


Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Sala Beckett. Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia
Sant Martí
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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