Desembocadura Besòs

New park at the Besòs estuary

Other projects of the territory

The entire coastline


The Besòs Agenda is a strategic document on the future of the Besòs area drawn up by Barcelona Regional with the support of the city councils of Barcelona, Badalona, Montcada i Reixac, Sant Adrià de Besòs and Santa Coloma de Gramenet. The report sets out the following needs:

  • Develop the green-blue infrastructure of the Besòs area
  • Improve the connectivity between the green spaces in the area
  • Carry out a series of actions to increase the quality and quantity of green or water-related areas of environmental, social, identity or recreational interest

The aim of these actions is to improve the functioning of the system of open spaces at both metropolitan and neighbourhood level. The Besòs estuary is an area subject to high human pressure and at the same time is of great ecological value. It is a strategic area for birdlife during the migratory season (more than 200 species of birds have been observed there) and for a whole range of aquatic species. 

A large park is to be built on the left bank of the Besòs, close to the mouth of the river in front of the sea and around the Tèrmiques power stations, in an area that is currently in disuse, providing continuity to the Parc del Litoral. Above all, it is envisaged as a natural area for wild animals, and not so accessible to people and domestic animals, in order to promote the potential of the estuary as a refuge from anthropic pressure.

In this context, flooding and the main sewer are the two determining factors in the design of this new park. The Llevant interceptor sewer occupies a critical position, to a large extent, within the ZDPMT (maritime-terrestrial public domain area), given that at the time of its execution another route was unfeasible. This position of the collector means that it is necessary to carry out costly longitudinal protection against sea storms, as these could compromise structural stability and cause direct and uncontrolled discharges into the sea. Moreover, the layout of the sewer, which occupies part of the seafront, prevents it from being used for civic purposes that are common in any other area of the coastline. 

For these reasons, it is proposed to re-route the main sewer away from the maritime-terrestrial zone. With regard to the connection and continuity of the promenade along the river, the Besòs Agenda proposes two possible layouts: one of them opts for the natural, non-accessible area, and the other for a more direct connection with a closer relationship with the sea.   

Actions to be carried out:

  • Drafting of the projects and execution of the following sanitation infrastructure works: construction of a new section of underground sewer outside the maritime-terrestrial area, diversion of the Mar Negra sewer line, improvement of the pumping station of the Simancas sewer line and adaptation of the Parc del Litoral pumping station to improve the conduction of water from the sewer away from the river bed, towards the sea. 
  • Design of the relationship between the area and the El Besòs River Park, its estuary and the new park in the sector, taking into account its level of environmental protection. 
  • Proposal for the development of the area (streets, squares and paths).
  • Participative preparation of the preliminary designs for the new park and the extension of the Passeig Marítim.
  • Drafting of the projects and execution of the works for the implementation of the park and the new section of the seafront esplanade.
Parc Besòs
Parc Besòs

What are we doing?

  • Completion of the base design for the new park at the mouth of the Besòs river (2022) and tender for drafting the final project (2023)

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