The blue-green coastal corridor

The Coastal Corridor

The entire coastline


The Coastal Corridor is considered one of the most important continuous routes to be improved within the network of green corridors defined by the Barcelona Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity Plan 2020 and included in the current Nature Plan 2030

This corridor will allow for a continuous route from river to river, linking different parks and open spaces that act as biodiversity hubs (the estuary of the Besòs river, the Litoral park, Ciutadella, Montjuïc, the Llobregat river, and the wetlands of the Llobregat Delta), and then along the seafront and onto the seabed, facilitating contact between land and marine habitats, making this a very unique project.

For these reasons, it is an environmentally strategic corridor, both at urban and metropolitan level.

In order to develop and enhance this corridor, it is necessary to identify the areas of high biodiversity value that form the nodes and key elements of this route, to naturalise and restore those that have the potential to become nodes, and to enhance all other elements of biodiversity. This corridor is an opportunity to address the current discontinuity of the route by providing the necessary green infrastructure at many points along the coast.

The plan is to create a naturalisation gradient towards the eastern coast, in order to create spaces that can be more easily penetrated by native coastal wildlife, habitats and vegetation, increasing their biodiversity, and with an intensity of social use that is more environmentally friendly.

What are we doing?

Work is being carried out on various aspects of the projects included in the Blue-Green Corridor Development Plan to add features that will help shape and improve the Green-Blue system. Some of the most important projects on land are: the La Marina neighbourhood, the foot of Montjuïc, the Moll de la Fusta quay, the Mar Bella seafront promenade, the Marine Platform, the mouth of the river Besòs and the 3 Xemeneies. In the marine environment, work is being done to restore urban marine ecosystems, through a series of projects linked to the coastal protection work being carried out to increase biodiversity in the area.

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