Noise in the city and its impact on health

Repeated exposure to noise is considered a major public health issue due to its effects on people’s health and well-being. Consequently, it is becoming a growing concern. As a physical...

Illustration © Irene Pérez
Tourism: The danger of being too successfulReclaiming La Rambla for the people of Barcelona

La Rambla, one of Barcelona’s most iconic thoroughfares, is undergoing a transformation led by the KM_Zero...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionA more complex metropolis

Until now, we have conceived and managed Barcelona’s vast metropolis as an urban conglomerate, bringing together the 36 municipalities of the metropolitan area. However, it’s...

The city of five millionFrom cities to rural areas: A growing phenomenon

The Barcelona metropolitan region is undergoing a phase of counterurbanisation. While urban-to-rural...

The city of five millionResidential segregation: three key insights

Individuals’ economic status is reflected in the city through the phenomenon of residential segregation. This...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionWhat are we talking about when we talk about the metropolitan region?

The expansion of urbanisation, coupled with the consequent overflow of administrative boundaries, bears a...

Illustration ©Rebeka Elizegi
The city of five millionEurope’s city system

In Europe, where approximately 80% of the population resides in urban areas, a network of polycentric and...

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