Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyPublic transport, a clean and efficient mobility alternative

People need to move to interact with one another, to go to work, to study or to shop, to enjoy leisure time or to socialise and be with family and friends. In Barcelona, the solution to...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyThe Amazon effect: The Seattle lessons

The city of Seattle changed the day Amazon decided to set up shop there. For better and for worse. It changed conventional retailing, logistics, the environment, and social cohesion too...

Il·lustració © Enrique Flores
Tackling climate emergencyOvertaking the old mobility. The car, from host to guest

Cities are currently the scene of the foremost social, environmental and economic challenge posed by sustainable mobility. It is time to apply new formulae, such as vehicle sharing, the...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues vies de tranvia paral·leles es creuen en una bifurcació en el centre de la imatge. En l'extrem esquerre es veu un tranvia.
Building the metropolisMobility, a complex structural framework

The creation of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area marked a positive yet insufficient change in the governance of metropolitan mobility. We are facing a complex situation in which...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una carretera circular tancada com una pista de tren d'un joc infantil. Per l'interior hi passeja un home i un cotxe cap per avall. El tub d'escapament treu fum que alhora sembla que dibuixi un núvol.
Building the metropolisThe ring roads, yesterday and today

From the beginning, the ring roads defined a new urban reality that confirmed Barcelona’s change of scale, its transformation from a city to a ...

Retrat de Sergio Fajardo © Santiago Sepúlveda
“I don’t believe in the politicians that say: ‘I do what the people want’”

Sergio Fajardo

Not affiliated with any of the traditional parties, he became mayor of Medellín in 2004 leading a citizen movement and completely renewed a city that had entered a deep black period in...

Open cityA crooked, open, modest city

Judgements that the cité has ‘failed’ to open up are thus Janus-faced: one side of the coin shows angry populist prejudice, but on the other face can appear the self-satisfied...

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