In the midst of a changing world made more complicated by climate change, we must abandon the suicidal idea of perpetual growth on a finite planet and start talking about degrowth,...
Antonio Turiel
Antonio Turiel (León, 1970) is a scientist and is well known for sharing about the sustainability problems in our society. Holding a Degree in Physics and Mathematics and a PhD in Theoretical Physics, he is a researcher at Barcelona’s Institute of Marine Sciences (CSIC). His research has focused on turbulence and satellite oceanography, although he is also an expert in the field of natural resources.
His blog, The Oil Crash, is one of the leading sources on issues related to oil and its reserves. He has published Petrocalipsis. Crisis energética global y cómo (no) la vamos a solucionar [Petrocalypse. Global Energy Crisis and How We Will (Not) Resolve It] (2020) and is co-author, together with Juan Bordera, of the book El otoño de la civilización [The Autumn of Civilisation] (2022).
Last Update: October, 2022
Articles by Antonio Turiel
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