The Barcelona History Museum (MUHBA) commemorates 80 years of igniting a fascination for contemporary Barcelona, expanding its reach to various locations within the municipal...
One of the main concerns of our textile sector today, led by fast fashion, is the amount of waste it produces. Overproduction and overconsumption of garments, which are worn six...
The redefinition of fatherhood opens up optimistic possibilities but raises some questions. Why do men...
Spurred on by social media, cancel culture is gaining ground. In its name, works, opinions and even people are cancelled. Its advocates contend that it is a way of giving a voice...
Moving from mere talk to management will be the necessary shift in scale to balance housing supply and demand...
When we talk about a housing cooperative under a cession of use scheme, we are talking about collective...
Festivals have become the ultimate popular spectacle of our times. They have built themselves from scratch in just three decades. In Barcelona, we have gone from a tentative and...
Oriol Broggi
The theatre production company La Perla 29 has celebrated two decades of existence in full swing, with new challenges and great performances. In recent years, Oriol Broggi has...
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