Through the book Cròniques del fang [Mud Chronicles], Jaume Fabre pays a fitting tribute to the journalist Josep Maria Huertas Claveria and the journalism named after...
Fulfillment: America in the Shadow of Amazon is the result of a decade of research by journalist Alec MacGillis on the effects brought about by the...
Javier Pérez Andújar’s latest novel, El año del Búfalo [The Year of the Buffalo], is an astronomical novel because it is the work of someone who has spent years taking...
The extraordinary work and cultural life of Ricard Giralt Miracle and Enric Tormo take centre stage in two books that recognise their contributions as pioneers in the graphic...
The book Un trajecte pels feminismes fílmics [A journey through feminisms in film], by Marta Selva and Anna Solà, marks the 30th anniversary of the Barcelona...
Mamut completes the trilogy of novels written by Eva Baltasar, following Permagel (Club Editor, 2018, published in English as Permafrost by And Other Stories, 2021) and Boulder...
In his book Els salaris de la ira [Wages of Wrath], Miquel Puig opens the debate on workers’ wages, stagnant for decades. According to his theory, the abundance of workforce has...
Barcelona meant a lot to Antonio Machado, who arrived in the city in April 1938 with some family members. Testimony to those days lie in his numerous contentious articles published in...
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