Journalist and historian

José Ángel Montañés is a specialist in cultural heritage and works for the newspaper El País.

Articles by José Ángel Montañés

A l'esquerra, Ricard Giralt Miracle al seu taller (1990). © Joan Sánchez / Arxiu Giralt Miracle. ​A la dreta, autoretrat d’Enric Tormo durant el muntatge de l’exposició de Joan Miró a les Galeries Laietanes (1949).
Two (hidden) artists behind a machine

The extraordinary work and cultural life of Ricard Giralt Miracle and Enric Tormo take centre stage in two books that recognise their contributions as pioneers in the graphic...

Llibres Col•lecció “Matar el Monstre”
Frankenstein walks in Barcelona

Comanegra is celebrating the two-hundredth anniversary of Mary Shelley’s novel with seven new titles in which the monster is present and which are set against great moments in the life...

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