Josep Maria Ganyet

Computer engineer

He directs the digital communication company Mortensen and lectures in Audiovisual Communication at Pompeu Fabra University. 

1 Articles

Laura Terré

Photography historian

(Vigo, 1959). PhD in Fine Arts from the University of Barcelona, with a doctoral thesis (1998) on the photographic group AFAL. Retired secon...

1 Articles

Retrat de Bernat Puigtobella

Bernat Puigtobella

Publisher of Núvol

Bernat Puigtobella is publisher of Núvol.

23 Articles

Blanca Cia's portrait

Blanca Cia


Blanca Cia is a journalist.

1 Articles

Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas

Doctorate in Political Science

Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas is a senior researcher for the migrations department of CIDOB. She holds a doctorate in Political Science from the...

1 Articles

Portrait of Consuelo Bautista

Consuelo Bautista


She’s been one of the most active photojournalists in the Barcelona press, first in La Vanguardia and then in El País, and sh...

1 Articles

David Fernàndez

Journalist and social activist

David Fernàndez is a journalist and social activist. He was a member of the Parliament of Catalonia for the Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) an...

1 Articles

Gerardo Santos


Gerardo Santos is a journalist.

4 Articles

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