Activity facilitated by: VULNUS and Dianelis Diéguez
A device by VULNUS ARTS VIVES RECERCA and Dianelis Diéguez.
The infinite conversation of Images (2021) is an artistic device that investigates the different forms of link between spaces, materials and diverse groups. The notion of play is the territory on which it is located and from that extraordinary state that provokes the action of playing, the device is nourished by the history, memory and events of the spaces where it is activated. The starting point will be the composition of a board of images, thinking of it not only as a procedure, but as an opportunity to create relationships based on more sensitive logics.
Transiting the territories of live arts, critical thinking and common learning, the device acquires different formats and is modulated based on collective decisions and needs. What is essential is the exploration of the different layers that a space promotes, its link with the past/present and its direct connection with the sensitivity and stories of the people who temporarily or permanently inhabit it. An exploration that tries to capture the specific, personal and concrete experience of a place and connect it with the space of the other or the other, the collective.
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©Foto: Sincerely Media
©Foto: Sincerely Media
Moderated by: Anna Villarroya
FINESTRES OBERTES (OPEN WINDOWS) - The infinite conversation of images
Activity facilitated by: VULNUS and Dianelis Diéguez