We are initiating the study and restoration of the old Societat del Born giants

Coinciding with the start of 2024, the year commemorating the 600th anniversary of the city's first historical evidence of giant activities, the MuEC has begun the restoration of two very interesting pieces of its collection: the heads of a male giant and a female one, which date back to around 1859. That places them in the exceptional group of century-old giants. The restoration work is being carried out at the Catalan Centre for the Restoration of Movable Property (CRBMC), by the curators-restorers Núria Jutglart and Laia Duran.

An initial study and analysis phase has been carried out with the aim of documenting the state of conservation of these two pieces, as well as the materials and techniques used in making them. Throughout their long lives, the male and female giants have suffered a lot of alterations, accidents, repairs and repainting. These changes are the result of the needs and circumstances of each historical moment, and knowledge about these factors is essential for understanding and explaining the pieces. Therefore, the study procedure combines various methods, as it would for any other work. These range from careful observation to the application of laboratory techniques and precision tools.
We can summarise the work carried out so far as follows: Firstly, a detailed organoleptic examination was carried out, which was completed by carrying out stratigraphic tests, observation with digital microscopes and research into old photographs of the pieces. Secondly, samples were extracted to perform stratigraphic and chromatographic analyses in the laboratory, which provided more information about the various superimposed layers and the nature of the materials (cardboard, plaster, pigments and binders). A study was also carried out using diffuse optical imaging, ultra-violet light, infra-red reflectography, X-rays and photogrammetry, in order to obtain a 3D model. The results of this series of analyses discovered various things, including the original face of the male giant’s head, underneath the one currently conserved.

These two giants were created by the Societat del Born in 1859. This recreational society was responsible for organising the first contemporary “carnestoltes” carnival celebrations in Barcelona. After its dissolution, the giants passed into the hands of the lithographer Ramon Riera, whose son finally donated them to the Casa de la Caritat in 1891. In 1986, Domènec Umbert i Vilaseró made a reproduction, commissioned by Barcelona Provincial Council. The Provincial Council did not reclaim the originals, which remained in the craftsman's workshop. Recently, Francesc Cisa donated them to the MuEC.

For further information
ARDÈVOL I JULIÀ, Lluís (coordinator) Catalogue of century-old giants in Catalonia. Barcelona: Department of Culture, 2015.
ALONSO, Nico. Barcelona Giants. The history of a contemporary popular movement. Barcelona: Barcelona: Barcelona City Council, 2023. It can be queried at the MuEC library.