What can you do at the museum?

Exhibitions, activities, guided tours, news about items from our collections and MuEC events or events related to the museum, online collections, the specialised library and more. The whole museum in one click.

Discover the programme and everything the MuEC can offer you!

One Museum two places

In 2017 the Museu Etnològic and the Museu de Cultures del Món became a single museum, the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món (MuEC), with two homes: Montjuïc site, in the building of the Museu Etnològic inaugurated in 1973 and reopened in 2015 after a four-year refurbishment, and Montcada site, in the spaces of the Nadal and Marquès de Llió palaces, restored expressly to create this space for preservation, dissemination and social projection.

Parc Montjuïc Venue

Parc Montjuïc Venue

@MUEC_BCN  #MUECParcMontjuïc- The Parc Montjuïc venue will be closed for technical problems. Sorry for the inconvenience

Montcada Venue

Montcada Venue

@MUEC_BCN  #MUECMontcada

Permanent exhibitions

Visit the permanent exhibitions at the Montjüic site and the Montcada site

Permanent exhibition - Montcada site

The Montcada Venue'ssite's permanent exhibition showshas a selection of around 530 pieces from various cultures in Africa, Oceania, Asia and the Americas. Distributed by continent, aA set of interactive and audiovisual media, arranged by continent, help visitors to situate the objects in the context in which they were created.

Go to the Montcada site's permanent exhibition

Permanent exhibition - Montjüic site

The Parc Montjuïc site's permanent exhibition is entitled “Feeling the Heritage” and is dedicated to explaining how an object, whatever it may be, is impregnated with the character of the community that conceived and used it.

Go to the Montjuïc site's permanent exhibition

Temporary exhibitions

In addition to the permanent collection exhibitions, the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món proposes different programmes of temporary exhibitions, in various formats and adopting various approaches. At both locations you can find everything from small-format exhibitions to exhibitions that avoid closed narratives, as well as others that invite critical reflection. Find out more about the different temporary exhibition programmes of the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món.


Guided tours, educational, family activities, cycles, talks. The Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món offers a regular, plural and cross-cutting programme of activities aimed at a wide range of audiences. Consult the museum’s entire programme of activities here.

Seu Montcada

Primer diumenge de mes. 2 febrer, 2 març, 6 abril, 4 maig, 1 juny, 6 juliol de 2025

4 peces, 4 continents


The Barcelona Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món collections cover very diverse aspects of ways of living and their symbolic representations of a wide variety of cultures around the world. The collections are made up of material testimonies and context documentation generated during the collection campaigns that the museum has carried out.