The museum's main lines of basic research are the review and investigation of documents and materials concerning the collections, as well as the production and selection of the content for the museum's exhibitions and publications. Dialogue and collaboration with networks of specialised national and international museums, as well as the treatment of oral and physical sources of memory, also constitute a fundamental part of the museum's research.
One of the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món's lines of work is participation in this network of ethnology museums for research into heritage, with the aim of carrying out various activities related to the conservation, research and dissemination of Catalonia's ethnological heritage.
Within this context of shared experiences and initiatives among participating members, the museum collaborates with the General Directorate of Popular Culture and the Valencia Ethnology Museum on the construction of an ethnological thesaurus, which will be a useful tool for dealing with heritage inventories.
The Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món has been a member of the Network of Catalan Ethnology Museums since 2008. The network's main aim is to develop a voluntary network that makes it possible to coordinate common policies for protecting and disseminating heritage, as well as territorial training and the revitalisation of elements making up ethnological heritage.
The network's functions are those established in Museums 2030. Plan for Catalan Museums, and are mainly focused on the collective preservation, documentation, research, knowledge and dissemination of the collections and ethnological heritage of the network's member museums.

International projects
As part of the European Union's “Creative Europe” programme, the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món's participates in several international projects, including work-meetings with other ethnographic museums for the exchange of museological knowledge, exhibitions with innovative approaches, and research-stages and workshops in collaboration with artists, activists and curators from various fields, which enrich our reflection concerning the future of museums.
Find out about the research projects in which the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món is involved.

Taking Care (2019 - 2023)
The aim of the Taking Care project is to transform ethnographic and world cultures museums into authentic care centres for a Europe more in need than ever.
Further information on this project
Swich (2014- 2018)
The aim of the SWICH project is to place ethnographic and world cultures museums at the heart of the debates on citizenship in modern-day Europe.
Further information on this projectLibrary and archive
The Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món Library is located in the Parc Montjuïc Venue and it specialises in social anthropology and ethnology. It has a fine collection —over 22,000 items— which deal with all the cultural aspects and manifestations that make up society.
Go to Library and archive
Contact for researchers
The various document and exhibit collections are accessible and open to the scientific community. Although major document collections can be consulted online in the “Library and Archive” section, thanks to digitalisation, queries concerning the museographical collections may also be sent by using the following form.
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Recording/filming request
Would you like to have photos or videos from our audiovisual collection? Would you like to film or photograph our objects? Or maybe our spaces? Send the completed form to the following email address:
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