Promoting new active modes of transport

Other projects of the territory

The Coastal Corridor

The entire coastline


The public spaces of the coastline are prime areas for promoting active modes of transport, both in terms of access to the coast and metropolitan and long-distance connections within the city. Its enormous attraction, the absence of slopes, the safety, the continuity, the few interruptions in the flow of pedestrians, bicycles and other personal mobility vehicles (PMV), without road crossings or traffic lights, offer unique opportunities for the promotion of more sustainable and healthy mobility on the seafront but also for other urban and metropolitan journeys. The project includes a series of actions for the pedestrian network and another for bicycles and PMVs. 

  • In the case of pedestrians, there is a defined set of strategic lines and actions aimed at guaranteeing the sustainability of the current access points, increasing the number of accesses and promoting the use of public transport. 
  • In the case of bicycles and PMVs, the project defines the strategic lines, design criteria and actions to be implemented in the cycling network and its services, and the proposals are summarised in a schematic plan of the coastal cycling network and its connections.

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