New public spaces in Moll de Pescadors

Management and improvement of public space

District of Ciutat Vella


The renovation of Moll de Pescadors quay aims to reorganise the area to incorporate modern and efficient facilities that combine fishing activities and public use. This makes it possible to use the area as a new space for leisure and walking, while also allowing city residents  to regain access to the Torre del Rellotge clock tower and its surrounding area, as well as the fish market, in order to attend fish auctions.

This reorganisation frees up buildings on the Moll de Pescadors quay (in the part of the fishing area closest to the city), concentrating port activities in the outer parts and using the central part for a public walkway, including the Torre del Rellotge clock tower, the port’s first lighthouse and the oldest construction in the area (dating back to 1772), which is currently in a restricted area where only fishermen and fish-market professionals can enter.

The redevelopment moves the entire complex into a single multi-use building located on the Moll de Balears quay, which will include the new fish market, the ice factory and an experience area open to the public, where they can sample the fish caught by the boats belonging to the fishermen’s guild on a daily basis.

Moll pescadors
Moll pescadors

What are we doing?

Construction of the ice factory building concluded in 2016, and the project is now focused on finishing the new Fish Market, as well as the urban development of the respective public spaces. The new fish market consists of three two-storey buildings connected by a walkway which will link the clock tower with the end building. The walkway will allow visitors to enjoy the space and observe the fish market and other fishing activities. The work will be carried out as follows: renovation of the Moll de Mestral quay and the Dic de Recer seawall, urban development of the Moll de Mestral quay, renovation of the Municipal Sailing Centre and construction of the new Municipal Sea Centre.


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