Actions to promote fishing, fishing tourism and fishing demonstrations and activities to promote local fish

Blue economy

The entire coastline


The fishing activity in Barcelona has been experiencing a decline in employment year after year. The fishing sector in Barcelona has three specific needs: promoting locally caught seafood (fish and shellfish), seeking opportunities for improving their income (turnover and expenses) and the activation of an effective generational replacement plan.

Actions to promote fishing tourism, demonstrations of fishing activity and the encouragement of activities to promote local sea produce aim to increase employment levels in the sector and foster entrepreneurship in economic activities related to fishing, taking into account Barcelona’s historical and current nature as a provider of local food resources.

Barcelona’s strategy for promoting the blue economy includes a government measure that sets out a roadmap for its implementation through a set of sustainable measures and projects, and which highlights the role of the blue economy and its potential in terms of creating jobs (Pillar 5):

What are we doing?

  • Proposals for reducing single-use plastics in the value chain

  • Backing the constitution of a central local-action fishing group (central GALP) covering the Garraf and Barcelonès regions, as part of the 2030 Catalonia Maritime Strategy policy

  • Linking the blue economy, which represents professional fishing, to the city and its inhabitants.

  • Promoting local and sustainable consumption.

  • Promoting synergies between local fisheries, wholesalers, retailers and Barcelona’s markets, as well as encouraging direct sales.

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