View of the Besòs riverbed, from the Molinet bridge. © Imatges Barcelona / Àlex Losada
Strategies to tackle water shortages

As the well-known song by Raimon goes, “in my country rain doesn’t know how to rain: it either rains too little or it rains too much; if it rains too little, it’s a drought; if...

Josep Tarradellas Barcelona - El Prat Airport. Inside of the Terminal 1
Josep Tarradellas Airport, a major hub of activity

An airport acts as a major gateway to the city or region it serves. Barcelona airport, located in the municipality of El Prat de Llobregat, is a transport hub and a catalyst for...

Llibre: Survey Barcelona. Una mirada fotogràfica sobre les transformacions de la ciutat, 2015-2023. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2023.
‘Survey Barcelona’, a family album of the city

Valentín Roma, Adrià Goula and Susan Sontag all concur on the fact that photography needs objectives, but it is not objective. Survey Barcelona, a family album in which...

Digital map of the city of Barcelona
Barcelona, a digital technology hub

The charts point to Barcelona as a leading hub of the new economy, which is developed around information and communication technologies (ICT). In recent years, the city has...

Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook. City diplomacy in times of conflict

Cathryn Clüver Ashbrook’s academic and professional career is in the purest Atlanticist tradition. Specialising in the interface between foreign policy and cities, she is an...

The struggle surrounding street and square names in democratic Barcelona

The changes made to the names of the city’s streets and squares are a reflection of each municipal mandate. By action or omission, the names of streets and squares speaks volumes about...

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