Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicThe new city emerging: a public health perspective

The spring of 2020 will be remembered as the spring of Covid-19, a time that has forced us to stop, to take preventive measures and to live alone in a connected world. The lockdown has...

© Paola de Grenet
The Land Use Plan for Ciutat Vella: Protecting community life

Since 1992, different Land Use Plans have been implemented in Ciutat Vella to regulate economic activities and urban planning licences. The most recent one, approved in 2017, places an...

Il·lustració © Laura Borràs Dalmau
The city after the pandemicUrban planning and architecture for a new normality

It is at times of crisis that today’s deficiencies and challenges become increasingly apparent. Fortunately, future priorities may also come out stronger. The Covid-19 lockdown has made...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe policies sought by the new generations

The design of the current welfare state and the social and economic reality facing young people today suggest that their demands will be more of a qualitative (a reorientation of policy...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapWhen stability seems utopian

In recent decades, job insecurity has taken root in society and affects younger generations in particular. The delay in gaining access to decent employment postpones all the rites of...

Vista des del mar de Barcelona amb la plaça de la Rosa dels Vents, l'Hotel W i una part de la platja de Sant Sebastià, en primer pla, i Montjuïc i el World Trade Center, al fons. © Hemav. Ajuntament de Barcelona.
Hermitage, the museum project rattling the Barceloneta neighbourhood

The possible arrival of the Hermitage Museum to the port of Barcelona is met with scepticism and discord in the Barceloneta neighbourhood. While some believe it will mark an opportunity...

Houses on the street Carrer de la Font Florida, in the Barcelona neighborhood of Font de la Guatlla. © Arianna Giménez
Who does the reversal of a public land designation affect? The cases of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla

Classed as green areas by the General Metropolitan Plan, the small neighbourhoods of Satalia and Font de la Guatlla have long lived under the threat of expropriation and demolition. In...

Illustration © Eva Vázquez. A group of people form the blade of a palette knife, a plasterer's tool used to apply cement.
Lessons from the crisisSocial innovation: different responses from organized citizens

In the face of the post-crisis neoliberal siren calls, crying out for individual responsibility, civil society has organized itself to provide a collective response to the consequences...

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