Il·lustració. © Susana Blasco / Descalza
An uncertain futureAnother form of city

Today’s city no longer offers the necessary living conditions for most of its inhabitants, as a result of a production model designed to make people productive, but that renders care...

Retrat de Carme Pinós © Martí Petit
‘Most architects are not the elite or complicit in property speculation’

Carme Pinós

Carme Pinós is a truly trail-blazing architect. In 1991, she founded her own practice in a field where women were the exception, and after countless obstacles and plenty of perseverance...

Il·lustració. © Margarita Castaño
The Miracle

It was Cosme who told me the flat was a miracle. And that the price was unbelievable, just like the views, because it had a terrace where you could see both the sea and the mountain or a...

Obrers de la construcció que treballen en un edifici en obres destinat a habitatge públic al carrer de Viladomat, 142. © Ajuntament de Barcelona / Martí Petit
The housing crisis

Being able to access decent housing is a basic right recognised in both the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy. In Barcelona, the historic lack of public housing...

Exposició Urban Nature al CCCB
The cities within the city

The Centre for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, from its outset, has thought and rethought the city from all kinds of perspectives. In 2021, the CCCB wished to go one step further and...

Imatge de la proposta Caminar des del centre de b67 Palomeras Arquitectes i Cierto Estudio.
The Eixample is a Process

The Cerdà Plan for Barcelona’s Eixample has witnessed multiple interventions since the outset of its execution. This variability, typical of plans or architectures designed with flexible...

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureThe city is bare: nature as necessity

The lockdown triggered by the pandemic has revealed the shortcomings of urban living as we knew it to us. The rural world now offers tranquillity and contact with nature that we do not...

Vista general de la sortida de Barcelona per la Meridiana, amb el barri de Vallbona a la dreta del pont, i Ciutat Meridiana i Torre Baró a l’esquerra.
Where the city earns all its names

In Linde, a photographic project by Myriam Meloni and Arnau Bach, we see the Barcelona behind the ring roads. The Barcelona of the Rec Comtal irrigation canal and the old Ribes...

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