Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues persones es troben assegudes en uns balancins, cadascuna sobre un precipici. Entre les dues persones es veu un pont que aquestes dues persones estan teixint.
Building the metropolisThe era of re-balancing economic policies with global projection

One of the essential questions with which cities like Barcelona are currently grappling is how can we combine economic success in global terms with local prosperity and social...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una persona llança una xarxa de pescar. La xarxa és un mapa de ciutats.
Building the metropolisModels and key variables of metropolitan governance

The governance of metropolitan areas is a recurring issue on the political agenda. There is no single formula since each city has its peculiarities due to historic and political...

Una dona penja una pancarta al balcó de casa seva en la qual es llegeix: banca estafa engaña © Pere Virgili
Home, much more than just real estate

“All housing is political” asserted David Madden on his recent visit to Barcelona to present his book In Defense of Housing, co-authored with Peter Marcuse. Madden believes that...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Una ciutat al centre de la imatge voltada de catifes. Una persona desplega cada catifa en l'extrem més allunyat de la ciutat.
Building the metropolisFrom the right to the city to the right to the metropolis

Most of the world’s population is urban, and cities are where all the tensions and challenges of the 21st century are expressed today. With a new municipalism, we can lay claim to the...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un joc de puzzle de peces quadrades desendreçades. El puzzle és un mapa de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona amb els noms d'algunes de les poblacions.
Building the metropolisA new metropolitan governance

New economic, social and environmental issues cannot be addressed solely at a municipal level. It is time to consider a new model of institutional integration that enables metropolitan...

Braç robòtic presentat al 4YFN 2019
Digital cityBarcelona in figures: Industry 4.0

Information and communications technologies are a strategic sector in a city’s economy, not just because of the volume of investment and jobs they generate, but also because of...

Il·lustració d'un pont
Digital cityChallenges and opportunities of the platform economy for cities

The platform economy generates considerable challenges and opportunities. It’s necessary to to distinguish truly collaborative platforms, which must be promoted and protected, from the...

Dada web
How to turn the creative market around block by block

Blockchain fans highlight that we may be witnessing the start of a new infrastructure which will revolutionise the relations between small and large agents, traditional and new, in many...

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