Patrullatge de la Guàrdia Urbana a la Plaça del Pedró al Raval © Pere Virgili
Barcelona in numbers: crimes, victims and safety

Barcelona residents rate safety in the city with a score of 6.2 and give high marks to the police force, according to the latest victimisation survey. Victims of crimes have risen almost...

Il·lustració d'una pistola que enlloc de canó per les bales té un objectiu de càmara de vigilància
Digital cityWatched democracies

In most cities there are hardly any spaces left for public cohabitation: by neglecting parks and common areas, by closing cultural spaces, by cutting budgets for extracurricular...

Un home resa en un oratori islàmic © Eva Parey
Coexistence, yes; mosque…, no?

The opening of an Islamic prayer hall in Carrer del Japó, in the Prosperitat neighbourhood, has been fraught with tension because of the residents’ opposition to this centre. Management...

Fotograma del film 'Human Flow' del director Ai Weiwei
View from the heights

It is always possible for anyone, even a "great" artist to address others or represent them visually without viewing them "from on high". This is not the case in Human Flow, the...

Il·lustració dossier "Ciutat digital" © Albert Tercero
The fight for digital sovereignty

We are moving towards the digital city. Technology is often identified with progress. It depends on the use to which they are put. Data has become the main infrastructure of the economy...

Retrat de Sergio Fajardo © Santiago Sepúlveda
“I don’t believe in the politicians that say: ‘I do what the people want’”

Sergio Fajardo

Not affiliated with any of the traditional parties, he became mayor of Medellín in 2004 leading a citizen movement and completely renewed a city that had entered a deep black period in...

Barcelona’s ring roads and some of the major highways connecting with Catalonia’s northern regions come together at the interchange of La Trinitat.
Barcelona, urban borders

There are an infinite number of borders in Barcelona. Social borders, that separate our ways of life and the possibilities they have to offer (the ‘Upper Diagonal’ concept, the Paral·lel...

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