Il·lustració © Judit Canela
Under the spell of a neighborhood (a poem spelled out in cantos)

The poet Josep Pedrals talks to us about his neighborhood in a poem.

(Translated from the Catalan by Ronald Puppo)

Il·lustració © Lluïsot
The old hospital garden

During those years I was undocumented. “Not having papers” used to mean (means) lacking facts. But there was nothing to fear in the library.

Retrat de Maria Antònia Canals © Pere Virgili
At school and at work, everyone should be happy

Maria Antònia Canals

The pedagogue, who founded the Ton i Guida school in the Verdum neighbourhood, defends a mathematics useful in life that help mature thinking and that avoid suffering children.

Il·lustració. Retrat de Claude Lefort © Guillem Cifré
The legacy of Claude Lefort

Lefort discovered in the foundations of totalitarianism the representation of the people-as-one; he described a regime that tries to deny that division is a constituent of society. By...

Il·lustració. Retrat de Roberto Esposito © Guillem Cifré
Roberto Esposito: from the impolitical to the impersonal

According to Esposito, the impolitical implies that there is no other reality than that of power, without this involving either a defence or a condemnation of power, so much as the...

Il·lustració. Mary Robinson i Adela Cortina.© Guillem Cifré
Business and human rights

Multinational enterprises are increasingly aware of the need to respect fundamental rights, and not only for legal and ethical reasons; there are also sound commercial arguments in...


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