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Rertrat de Caterina Biscari
‘In an election campaign, the word “science” never appears’

Caterina Biscari

Alba is the most important synchrotron light laboratory in the Mediterranean and south-west Europe. However, it is a great unknown for Barcelona society in general.

Il·lustració © Mireia Zantop
Barcelona Lolita Casa

The clinic where I was born was turned into an old people’s home, then it became an empty space and finally it was squatted in and then cleared. But it hasn’t been knocked down.

Biblioteca secreta -.col·lecció de llibres
Three tales of the submerged city

Three books inaugurate the ‘Biblioteca Secreta’ series, three volumes that retrieve necessary characters from the most underground Barcelona. Pep Gómez writes on Pepe Otal, Joan Vinuesa...

Llibre: Barcelonas. Manuel Vázquez Montalbán
The Montalbán method for looking at Barcelona

The book Vázquez Montalbán published in 1987 and which has now been republished in Spanish and translated into Catalan and English would be the ideal book because at the same time as you...

Llibres Col•lecció “Matar el Monstre”
Frankenstein walks in Barcelona

Comanegra is celebrating the two-hundredth anniversary of Mary Shelley’s novel with seven new titles in which the monster is present and which are set against great moments in the life...

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