
Núria Jar is a journalist specialising in international affairs, science and health. She currently works in the news services of Catalunya Ràdio but has collaborated throughout her career with TV3, RAC1, La VanguardiaEl País and Revista 5W, among other media outlets. 

She was an analogue astronaut with the Hypatia I crew, the first mission of Catalan women scientists at the Mars Research Desert Station (MDRS) in the Utah desert, USA. Núria has created numerous podcasts, including the audio series Missió Mart and Condició humana, available on the 3Cat platform. She also teaches radio journalism on the Master’s in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

Last Update: February 20, 2025

Articles by Núria Jar Benabarre

Retrat de Mara Dierssen. © Álex Losada
“There are no neurobiological reasons for discrimination”

Mara Dierssen

Mara Dierssen is a neurobiologist and one of the country’s major communicators of popular science. She studies the human brain, and, more specifically, learning, memory and what...

Rertrat de Caterina Biscari
‘In an election campaign, the word “science” never appears’

Caterina Biscari

Alba is the most important synchrotron light laboratory in the Mediterranean and south-west Europe. However, it is a great unknown for Barcelona society in general.

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