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The Night of the Museums 2022 in MUEC

La Nit dels Museus 2022


A year on and Barcelona is once again playing host to Museum Night, throwing a big cultural party in the city into the early hours of the morning, with the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món (MUEC) once again taking part with a whole host of activities at its two venues. 

On May 14, 2022, MUEC joined the great party with open doors until 1am. In addition, to enliven the visit to the permanent and temporary exhibitions, activities were organized at the two museum locations. Specifically, at the Montcada headquarters, the offer consisted of showcase comments, following a synchronized order between the various guides, of four pieces: sowei's mask and Bondo confraternities from Liberia, (Africa), The ritual of passage and the crocodiles of the Iatmul people (Oceania), Japan's Tea Ceremony and Chaos Order (Asia) and the Mayan Ball Game, a struggle between light and the underworld (America). 

At the Parc Montjuïc headquarters, on the other hand, the program was of two types: On the one hand, the guided tour What hard work! Women, subsistence and care, in a shorter version than usual, and on the other hand, the projection of video capsules with the museum staff as protagonists. In other words, the broadcast continues, in the meeting room, of an audiovisual in which technicians from the different departments explained their daily work. 


The night adventure began when, visiting the site, a building with an unusual architecture, conceived as a museum facility in the 1970s and made up of octagonal-shaped bases, surrounded by idyllic, Mediterranean-style gardens, the Jardins de Laribal. 



  • Feel the heritage

The permanent exhibition explains how any item is imbued with the character of the community that conceives and uses it. Using a comparative method applied to items of every kind, it looks at the diversity of the human communities they come from.

  • Visitable reserve collection

This is a storage space where visitors can observe a large variety of heritage items kept by the museum. The 3,250 items exhibited are distributed among 46 display cabinets on full display, divided up by geographical provenance and presented according to their preventive conservation needs.



From 7.30 pm to 9 pm

  • Guided tour: Quina feinada! Dones, subsistència i cures [What hard work! Women, subsistence and care]

A brief gender-themed tour for discovering the activities that all societies and cultures need for living and subsisting, traditionally associated with women.

Various sessions: in Catalan 7.30 pm and 8 pm; in Spanish 8.30 pm

Duration: 25 min


  •  Video-capsule screenings

Continuous audio-visual screening recorded by the museum's staff on their everyday work.

From 8 pm to 11 pm

Duration: 3 hours



Metro: L1 (Espanya) and L3 (Poble Sec).

Montjuïc Funicular Railway, from Paral·lel metro station (L2 and L3).

Bus: 55. Bicing: stations in Pg Exposició, 30 and Av Rius i Taulet, 4

Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món - Parc Montjuïc venue

Pg Santa Madrona, 16. 08038 Barcelona. Tel. 932 563 484 /300


www. museu-etnologic-culturesmon.barcelona




The Montcada venue and its two majestic medieval houses were not left behind. The facility located in the Casa Nadal and the Casa del Marqués de Llió is also offering activities and exhibitions for Museum Night.

The Montcada seat and its two stately houses from the medieval period were not left behind.


  • Lines. Australian Aboriginal Painting: Tradition and Contemporaneity

The exhibition is based on a selection of eucalyptus-bark paintings from the collections kept in the museum and created in the 1960s and 1970s.


  • Permanent exhibition: “The museum's collections”

Exhibition featuring some 530 items chosen from various cultures from Africa, Oceania, Asia and America, divided up by continent. They are organised according to their aesthetic value and contextualised ethnologically. Some are from the museum’s collection and others from private foundations such as the Folch, the Valldosera and the Clos.


  • DISPLAY CASE EXHIBITIONS Bark-Hide-Voice/Past-Present-Future

The result of research on the museum’s collections from Tiwi (northern Australia) carried out by the artist in residence, Narelle Jubelin, under the European project entitled ‘Taking Care - Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums as Spaces of Care’. It also shows a Tunga or ceremonial ba g, the museum’s latest acquisition.



From 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm.

  • Guided tours On-site commentaries. Four items from four continents will be the focus of four separate guided tours:
  1. Sowei helmet-mask from Liberia, Africa. In Catalan 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm, in Spanish 9.30 pm.
  2. Rite of passage and the crocodile of the Iatmul people of Papua New Guinea, Oceania. In Catalan 8 pm and 9 pm, in Spanish 10 pm.
  3. The tea ceremony and order from chaos in Japan, Asia. In Catalan 7.30 pm and 8.30 pm, in Spanish 9.30 pm.
  4. Mayan ball game, a struggle between light and the underworld, Mexico, America. In Catalan 8 pm and 9 pm, in Spanish 10 pm

Duration: 15 min

At 10 pm and at 10.30 pm


  • Concert from Barcelona Coral Àsia

25 singers from various backgrounds performed a repertoire of traditional songs in several languages: Urdu, Hindi, Tagal and Catalan.

Duration: 60 min

At 10 pm



Metro: L1 (Arc de Triomf), L3 (Liceu) and L4 (Jaume I).

Bus: 47, 120, B20, B25, H14, H16, V15, V17 and V19.

FGC (urban and metropolitan rail network): Catalonia.

Renfe (national rail network): Pl. Catalonia.

Bicing: stations Comerç, 27 and 36; Gombau, 34; Av Catedral, 6 and Av Marquès de l’Argentera, 3 and 13.

Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món - Montcada site

Montcada, 12. 08003 Barcelona. Tel. 932 562 300


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