Home / Exhibitions / Writing. Symbols, words, powers

Writing. Symbols, words, powers

in past exhibitions

9 July 2016 – 26 September 2017 / Exhibition hall temporary

Escriptures. Símbols, paraules, poders

The first ever temporary exhibition at the Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món's Montcada Venue shows how writing, created as an instrument for conserving and disseminating words, has become a symbolic reference point for the culture it belongs to, evoking identitarian and collective aspects.

Could we imagine contemporary societies without the written word? What makes graphics different from a complete writing system? Do we identify with our writing system? What are the secrets to deciphering ancient scripts?

The exhibition offers an extensive journey through the cultures of the world, presenting the varieties, uses and multiple developments of this means of communication, without which our daily lives would be impossible.

Through ten differentiated areas and based on various museographic elements, you can see how these scripts had their own genesis and evolution in the various peoples of the planet, in accordance with the languages and cultures they were created for, right up to the present day.


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Curated by

Miguel Peyró





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Location of the exposition

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Montcada Venue

Opening times: Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm
Sundays and public holidays, 10 am to 8 pm
Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)

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