Home / Exhibitions / Land of potters

Land of potters

in past exhibitions

4 October 2015 – 10 July 2016 / Exhibition hall temporary

Land of potters

This exhibition approaches the culture of water and some related trades, such as potters and water diviners. The exhibition combines contemporary pieces with others that illustrate the variety of the Western Mediterranean.

It also presents the work of three contemporary master potters, Jordi Avante, Emili Boix and Pere Coll, examples of production from places such as Miravet-Benissanet (Terres de l’Ebre), Agost (Alicante) and Pòrtol (Mallorca), respectively. 

The three craftsmen still reproduce the traditional models of popular pottery from their native lands, as well as creating contemporary designs. The exhibition therefore shows various types of traditional pottery as well as their new creations that are inspired by tradition. 

The pottery exhibition is completed with a selection of pieces that are characteristic of pottery centres in the area of the Mediterranean, the Maghreb and the Iberian Peninsula. 

ifniTerra de canterers
Terra de canterers
Terra de canterers

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Curated by

Josefina Roma





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Location of the exposition

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Parc Montjuïc Venue

Opening times: Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 7 pm
Sundays and public holidays, 10 am to 8 pm
Closed on Mondays (except public holidays)

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