Visit to the Pavilion of the Spanish Republic

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Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 34-36 (08035 Barcelona)
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The Pavilion of the Spanish Republic was designed by Sert and Lacasa for the Paris International Expo of 1937.

The Pavilion of the Spanish Republic was designed by Josep Lluís Sert and Luis Lacasa to represent the Spanish Republic at the Paris International Expo of 1937. 

The pavilion was designed following the lines of architectural rationalism. The courtyard on the ground floor served as an auditorium. The first floor provided information on Spain’s circumstances while the second floor featured an exhibition on plastic and popular arts. 

The pavilion was rebuilt in 1992 in Vall d’Hebron and is currently a library of the University of Barcelona.

Type of activity
Guided tours and routes
Organizing entity
El Globus Vermell
Event type
Type of ticket
Paid admission with prior registration

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