Estrangement in the US

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C. de Montalegre, 5 (08001)
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The author A. M. Homes, one of the great narrative voices from the United States, reflects on American power, freedom and identity following the publication of her latest novel, The Unfolding

For the main character of The Unfolding, a staunch Republican, Obama's victory in the 2008 election represents the unravelling of the country's fundamental values and is, simultaneously, the catalyst for a grotesque conspiracy among white men to rectify the disaster. With the acerbic and relentless gaze that characterises her literary voice, in this book A. M. Homes dissects the morals of the conservative American bourgeois class, the fears, the nostalgia and the blindness to the most immediate reality. During this conversation, we will explore the literary universe of men, always ready to shake the self-complacency of the wealthy classes, delving into the estrangement and dissatisfaction in American society and exposing the personal - and political - crises of the main characters.

Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Ciutat Vella
Event type
Type of ticket
Paid admission with prior registration

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