Scaling-up buildings rehabilitation: the leap to mass rehabilitation (Day 2)

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C. Pere IV, 362 (08019)
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The conference, framed in the theme of the Architecture Weeks "Redefining urban quality, adapting the built city", is proposed as a space for reflection and debate around how to accelerate the rehabilitation of housing with the participation of the different agents involved, public and private.

Objective of the conference:
To provide a cross-cutting view from the metropolitan scale to the building to demonstrate how concrete solutions can be scaled-up to achieve the massive rehabilitation contemplated within the framework of the Mission of the 100 cities.

It will take place in 2 days, 17th and 18th of June. June, 17th in the afternoon and June, 18th in the morning through presentations and round tables at Ca l’Alier. On June, 18th in the afternoon, an itinerary will be carried out through the conservation and rehabilitation area of the southwest of the river Besòs with a visit to the prototypes of the Urban Regeneration challenge located in the Diagonal-Besòs Campus of the UPC.

2nd day: How do we accelerate rehabilitation? Scales and instruments

Framework presentation of the experiences of two other Spanish cities that are part of the Mission of the 100 cities. 
Discussion with experts from the construction sector, public agents and research centers on technical instruments to accelerate the rehabilitation of housing buildings.
Data and monitoring of the rehabilitation in the different planning and intervention scales (metropolitan, city and neighborhood). Planning and evaluation experiences.
Vision of professional associations in the construction sector.

09.30 - 9.40 am Institutional welcome, Michael Donaldson, Director of BIT Habitat

09.40 - 10.20 am Session 5: “What do cities do? Participants: Joseba Aranzabal, architect and technical architect of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council; Enric Cremades, Head of the Urban Regeneration Department of the IMU; Moderator: Eduard Cabré, International Relations of the IMHAB.

10.20 - 10.55 h am Session 6: “How do we accelerate the rehabilitation of housing buildings?”: Albert Cuchí, professor of the Department of Architectural Constructions at UPC ETSAV and president AUS.

11.00 – 11.20 h am Pause coffee

11.20 – 12.05 am Session 7: “How do we evaluate? Data and monitoring of the rehabilitation on the three scales (metropolitan area, city and neighborhood)”. Participants: M. Jesús Calvo, Head of the Department of Statistics and Data Dissemination of the OMB, Mireia Sender and Aleix Arcarons of the Metropolitan Housing Observatory of Barcelona, Jose Lao, Head of Air Quality and Energy Efficiency of BR. Moderator: Jordi Mas, consultant

12.05 – 1.15 pm Session 8: “Public-private collaboration. Essential alliances to massively scale the rehabilitation works” . Participants: Sandra Bestraten, president of Barcelona Demarcation COAC, Lorenzo Viñas, president of the Barcelona and Lleida Association of Property Administrators; Celestí Ventura, president of the Barcelona College of Technical Architects; Josep Martínez, president of the Guild of Builders .Modera: Anna M. Font, Director of the IMHAB European Funds Programme.

1.15 – 1.30 h pm Conclusions and closure. Bàrbara Pons, General Director of Barcelona Regional.

Day 1


Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Ajuntament de Barcelona
Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya - COAC
Observatori Metropolità de l'Habitatge
Sant Martí
Event type
Type of ticket
Free entrance with prior registration

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