Guiding cooperative housing in rural worlds

Activity finished

C. Olzinelles, 31 (08014)
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How can we promote cooperative rural housing? Analysis of opportunities and challenges.

Activity aimed at groups and people who are considering living in a community in the rural world. What do we need in order to make this dream come true?

We will explain the richness and complexity of these types of projects. We will analyse the current obstacles and possible solutions. We will share open access tools to support these processes and learn about success stories.

There will be a final space for dialogue to share concerns, needs and doubts.

Type of activity
Debates and conferences
Voltes Cooperativa d'Arquitectura SCCL
l'Esberla SCCL
Coop de mà SCCL
Alicia Vazquez Utzet
Event type
Type of ticket
Free admission

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