Renovation of the Port Fòrum breakwater and harbour mouth

Other projects of the territory

Port Fòrum, Sant Adrià de Besòs

The Port Fòrum was opened in 2003. Since its opening, it has had internal agitation and overtopping issues that have created problems of comfort and safety for the vessels moored in its inner harbour. Furthermore, different structural pathologies affecting the walls of the breakwater have been detected. 

As a nautical facility, Port Fòrum currently has 201 operational moorings, a figure that, according to some studies, is too small to provide an attractive range of services and activities. As a result, complementary activities on land are still very limited and those that have been introduced are, in many cases, not directly linked to nautical activities. Furthermore, the isolation of the Port Fòrum from the urban fabric hinders the continuity of the public space and its internal mobility is poorly organised. This project, therefore, aims to promote and monitor all the actions necessary to improve the Port Fòrum, some of which have already begun or are planned under other projects of the Coastal Plan.

Port fòrum
Port fòrum

What are we doing?

  • In July 2020, Barcelona City Council and Societat Marina Port Fòrum, SL signed an action protocol to amend the concession contract for the Port Fòrum of Sant Adrià de Besòs. 

  • The regulation has been analysed and an assessment has been made of the shortcomings and potential of the Port Fòrum Use Plan.

  • Improvements to the access points and organisation of the management of the activities in the southern area in 2023.

  • Final approval of the final project to improve the storm response infrastructure at Port Fòrum and modification of the concession granted by the Government of Catalonia in May 2023. The repair work on the Dic d’Abric seawall and the Port Fòrum quays are scheduled to commence in 2024.

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