Environmentalisation of maritime traffic

Climate emergency

District of Ciutat Vella


This project is part of the agreements reached between the Port of Barcelona and Barcelona City Council in January 2018, concerning ferry and cruise ship terminals, Nova Bocana and other special plans.

It consists of a series of strategies aimed primarily at reducing negative external factors affecting the city as a result of cruise ship traffic and stopovers  in the Port of Barcelona.

The environmental studies that are part of this project, which were completed and validated by all the parties in 2020, are as follows:

  • Study of emissions and immissions of the Port of Barcelona in 2017 and in the future scenario.
  • Analysis of the morbidity caused by atmospheric pollution originating from the Port of Barcelona.
  • Assessment of the current systems for monitoring atmospheric emissions from merchant ships operating in the Port of Barcelona and the protocols used.

What are we doing?

The three studies that make up the project have been completed and validated by all parties since 2020, but we need to provide a continuous, up-to-date picture of how the activity is progressing.

  • On 3 May 2023, the Council for the Sustainability of Cruises in Barcelona was created as a transparent institution for public-private cooperation to share information in two areas: to address the initiatives and tasks that are already being carried out with regard to maritime cruise ship tourism, and to jointly define new ones that will help reduce the negative impact of cruise ships on the city, improving the economic and social return of an activity that is important for Barcelona. This council has three working groups: Environmental Quality, Mobility and Socioeconomics.

  • Based on the work carried out in the working groups, the results will be presented in the corresponding action plans to be developed.

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