Orgull Barcelona
Orgull Barcelona


Barcelona dresses in pride

Barcelona once again asserts its status as a city of rights during the celebration of International LGBTI Pride Day. An anniversary to continue building a pioneering city in the defence of rights to diversity and gender and the freedoms of its citizens. A civic, social, open celebration, an example of coexistence and the city’s way of life.

With the slogans ‘Neighbourhood Pride’ and ‘Museum Pride,’ this year features a broad and diverse programme of activities organised by the Barcelona LGBTI Centre through the civic management agreement with the Platform of LGBTI Entities of Catalonia.

This event also aims to raise the profile of initiatives promoted by the different groups and associations involved in the defence of LGTBI rights in each of the city's neighbourhoods. After all, during these days, and always, Barcelona dresses with Pride. 

Neighbourhood pride

Pride is also celebrated in the neighbourhoods! A decentralised programme aimed at filling the city with events so that all city residents can dress in Pride.

A Pride rooted in the community, featuring a wide range of offerings that highlight the diversity of perspectives and realities of the various LGBTI groups. An intergenerational, transfeminist, and intersectional local programme that is driven by the Barcelona LGBTI Centre, managed by the Platform of LGBTI Entities of Catalonia, as well as by civic centres, libraries, youth spaces, and other local city facilities. 

Once again this year, Neighbourhood Pride also enjoys the support of various neighbourhoods and districts, which work throughout the year to advocate for LGBTI rights.

Museum pride

Various city museums are once again celebrating Pride by reinterpreting their spaces and collections through an LGTBI lens.

During these days and through exhibitions, guided tours and workshops, these cultural facilities propose a look that takes into account sexual, affective and gender diversity in areas such as sports, artistic creation or nature, among others.

This year, the museums participating in this initiative are: Maritime Museum of Barcelona, Museum of Natural Sciences, Joan Antoni Samaranch Olympic and Sports Museum, Archaeological Museum of Catalonia, National Art Museum of Catalonia, Network of Art Museums of Catalonia, Museum of Ethnology and Cultures of the World and Museum of Cerdanyola.

Business pride

From the Barcelona City Council we want to contribute to make our city more plural and safe.

We aim to launch the new ‘Business Pride’ project from the Barcelona City Council as part of this year’s LGBTI Pride campaign. We intend to create a network of shops and businesses in Barcelona that will serve safe spaces for all individuals within the community, providing support whenever needed to advance towards a more diverse and secure city. This initiative is aimed at developing a more diverse and secure city.

By using a seal that identifies the various participants in the project, we aim to promote a city free of LGBTI phobia through the shared responsibility of all citizens.

Orgull de comerç

Other initiatives in the city

It is a fact that Barcelona dresses in Pride, evidenced by the many other events organised by various groups, entities, and organisations within the city’s associative world.

The two most notable are PRIDE and the Day of sexual and gender liberation. Additionally, numerous entities work toward the promotion and defence of LGBTI rights.

You can explore all these initiatives that are not part of the municipal programme but share the same goal of making Barcelona a benchmark city for coexistence, respect, freedom... and Pride!
