Portrait of a municipal guard

L’obra pintada a finals del segle XIX, és una de les poques obres conegudes i conservada en una col·lecció pública del pintor Pedro Vidal de Solares y Cárdenas qui es va relacionar amb els impressionistes francesos i molt en particular amb Renoir.

Portrait of a municipal guard
Registration number MHCB02896
Chronology: 1890
Author: Pedro Vidal de Solares y Cárdenas

El Pla de la Boqueria

The artist Achille Battistuzzi painted several vedutte of Barcelona, works that depict life in the Catalan capital in the nineteenth century very accurately. The restoration of this work from the MUHBA Collection enabled us to learn more about the grid used to position the elements in the scene.

Pla de la Boqueria. Oil on cardboard.
Registration number MHCB01055
Chronology: 1873
Author: Achille Battistuzzi

Fourth-century glass vase

The vase, found during excavations, fragmented into six pieces and incomplete, is on show at the Plaça del Rei museum site. Restoration work enhanced the solidity and presentation of the piece. The fragments were joined together and the missing parts were reconstructed, at all times avoiding any intervention on the original pieces.

Glass vase
4th Century
Origin: excavations in Carrer de la Ciutat, year 2007.

Fan of the constitution

Fans were used as a subtle form of political propaganda. Fans were made in support of the different Spanish constitutions in what could be considered a precursor of merchandising. In this case, the many repairs made indicate that this fan was used frequently and that great care was taken of it.

Direction and coordination: Servei de Conservació Preventiva i Restauració (Museu d'Història de Barcelona)
Restorer: Rita Udina
Year: 2012



In restoring this unique piece of furniture, the secret system for accessing the inner drawers was restored. The key to this mechanism lies in certain catches, with a curved side that locks the drawers and a wedge-shaped side that releases them.

Direction and coordination: Servei de Conservació Preventiva i Restauració (Museu d'Història de Barcelona).
Restorers: Esmeralda García i Teresa Gomà. (Vint-Trenta. Taller de restauració).
Year: 2014