European City Museum Network
The European City Museum Network is an informal working group promoted by the MUHBA and made up of city museums, universities and heritage research centers from around twenty European cities. It is a platform for collaboration and a space for debate that revolves around the history and urban heritage, as well as the management of city museums and the institutional and social place that cities occupy today. This network was created in 2010 at the initiative of the MUHBA and since then has been led by this museum with the collaboration of the Amsterdam Museum, as secretary of the network, and with the continuity of contacts with Eurocities and European institutions. In this framework, the Barcelona Declaration on City History Museums in Europe, signed in 2013 by the members of the network, has been proposed as a starting point to advance in the knowledge and definition of the city museums of our time .
CITYHIST Network holds regular meetings since 2010 and its sessions have two main axes of debate. On the one hand, they share the projects being carried out, the latest research on urban history and heritage, as well as their application in the museum sphere. On the other hand, the specific problems of the management of city museums, their relationship with citizens and their institutional space in the city are debated. It is not only a question of having a clearer field of action for city museums, but also of being able to make progress in the common construction of a shared European personality.
Museums that will be part of the network in 2020:
Historisches Frankfurt Museum, Riga History Museum, Helsinki City Museum, Amsterdam Museum, Hamburg Museum, Museo de Lisboa, Musée de Histoire de Lyon, Stadtmuseum Berlin, Lëtzebuerg City Museum, Rotterdam Museum (guest), Museo de Historia de Madrid, Wien Museum , Museum of Copenhagen and City Museum of Ljubljana, Museum of London, Musée Bordeaux (guest), Musée de Marseille, Museum of Liverpool, Museu d'Història de Barcelona.
Research centers that are part of the network:
Center for Urban History (Antwerp), Institute of Urban History (Stockholm), Centro per il Studio di Roma (CROMA), International Cultural Centre of Kracow, Politecnico di Torino, Oxford Brookes University (invited) and HafenCity Universität Hamburg (invited).