Bon Pastor
Virtual visit to the MUHBA Bon Pastor
The new equipment "Les Casas Barates del Bon Pastor del Districte de Sant Andreu-MUHBA Bon Pastor", The museum of housing in Barcelona, wants to reflect the memory of the history of housing in Barcelona during the 20th century through museumization from a block of cheap houses in this working-class neighborhood, one of four housing estates built in the city in 1929.
The island is made up of sixteen houses, of which ten have become museums: four show the struggle for housing in the city and the other four, how people lived in the Bon Pastor neighborhood and the evolution of the interiors of the cheap houses between 1929 and 2017. The remaining two show general aspects of the themes represented.
The process of creating the space has been made possible by the complicity established between the neighbors, the District of Sant Andreu, and the MUHBA (ICUB). The Cheap Houses museum project was started in 2010, at the initiative of the Association of Neighbors and Neighbors of the Good Shepherd, which obtained the support of the District of Sant Andreu and the Municipal Institute of Housing and Rehabilitation of Barcelona.
The proposal was consolidated with the alliance with the MUHBA. After a decade of work, funding through the Neighborhood Plan made the new museum space possible.
The whole process, from the historical research to the creation of the collection and the intervention in the houses, has been a joint task between Muhba, neighborhood organizations, universities and other institutions. The project would not have been possible without the enthusiastic, methodical and lasting collaboration of the neighbors of Bon Pastor and the AVV Bon Pastor. The project was directed by Carme Cazalla and Joan Roca.
On the occasion of the inauguration, the exhibitions "Living in Cheap Houses. Bon Pastor, 1929-2010" and "Hosting the majority. Barcelona, 1860-2010" will be opened.
Living in Cheap Houses. Bon Pastor, 1929-2010
The heritage restitution and exhibition shows the key periods in the trajectory of a neighborhood that is a magnificent exponent of the evolution of the city from the point of view of housing and the social cohesion of the neighborhoods in throughout the 20th century. The reconstruction work of four cheap houses reflects the trajectory of the Good Shepherd between 1929 and 2010, with a short epilogue until 2022. Booklet Link
Housing the majority. Barcelona, 1860-2010
The exhibition shows the construction policies and guidelines for access to housing for the urban majority throughout the 20th century in Barcelona: from an unaffordable rent at the beginning, to a very harsh post-war period, to a almost compulsory acquisition of the flat in ownership in the late Franco regime and, finally, to the advances in democracy, although the interventions were more effective in public space than in housing. Booklet Link
Here you can watch the audiovisuals of the MUHBA Bon Pastor.
Acord de col·laboració Espai Museístic Cases Barates Bon Pastor (febrer)
MUHBA BON PASTOR, new member of the ICONIC HOUSES international network
List of points shown on the map
C/ Barnola, 22
08030 Barcelona
Tel. 93 256 21 00
Horari de visita
Thursday: 10.00 to 14.00
Saturday and Sunday: 11.00 to 15.00 and 16.00 to 18.00
Informació i reserves
For further information: 93 256 21 22
(from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) from 10:00 to 14:00
and from 16:00 to 19:00).
Free entrance