Urban Mobility Plan
What kind of mobility are we moving towards?
The mobility habits that have developed over the last 50 years are evolving into new ways of getting around. For this reason, Barcelona is adapting is urban space to guarantee a more equitable distribution of space for the various modes of transport, by opening cycling spaces for bicycles, improving the bus network and giving priority to people travelling on foot, with widened pavements and peaceful streets offering comfort and safety.
Barcelona's Urban Mobility Plan
The city of Barcelona has the 2013-2018 Urban Mobility Plan (PMU) as a planning tool which sets out the lines of action governing urban mobility in the coming years. It is set as a strategic horizon to continue advancing towards a more sustainable, more efficient, safer, healthier and more equitable model of collective mobility. The Plan establishes the objectives and actions necessary to ensure that the different modes of transport and the people using them can coexist on the public highways, pedestrians and cyclists are prioritised and protected, public transport is promoted, the use of private vehicles is reduced, commercial and tourist mobility is regulated and the efficiency of the mobility network as a whole is guaranteed.
Strategic lines for mobility
The mobility model that we are building together in Barcelona has four fundamental strategic lines:
Safe mobility
Barcelona's Urban Mobility Plan establishes measures that cover the most important road safety factors for reducing accidents to zero, and especially to protect pedestrians, cyclists and bikers, who are the most vulnerable.
Sustainable mobility
To promote the use of bicycles, move about comfortably on foot, get around on public transport, reduce the use of private vehicles wherever possible and boost alternative fume-free energies. These modes are within reach of everyone to improve the environmental quality of Barcelona.
Fair mobility
Barcelona's Urban Mobility Plan ensures that everyone has the same opportunities when it comes to travelling around the city using the most sustainable modes of transport, especially using public transport or bicycles. These modes are available to everyone to allow them to get around collectively and with fewer accidents, unlike with private motor transport which has traditionally dominated the space on roads.
Efficient mobility
Efficient mobility helps to improve the traffic flow, optimising public transport services and helping citizens to get around more quickly, comfortably and easily through public spaces. It also reduces traffic that does not provide advantages and which has an environmental, social or economic cost for society as a whole.
Accions destacades
El PMU 2024 proposa un nou repartiment modal en què més del 80% dels desplaçaments es faran a peu, amb transport públic o amb bicicleta.
The city of your dreams in seven steps
Spot the differences
Between the city we have now, where private and motorised mobility takes priority, and a city focused on pedestrians with more green spaces, fewer cars and motorcycles and more public transport. Which do you prefer?
Actual model
Model we want

- More bicycle lanes
- More metro connections
- A new bus network
- A connected tram
- More people
- A greener city
- Most rational use of cars
A connected tramHigh-capacity ground-level transport that is silent, less polluting and very accessible for all users.
A new bus networkUna xarxa de bus amb una bona freqüència de pas, més regularitat i fiabilitat de servei, que connecta barris i persones.
More rational use of carsA city which uses private motor vehicles more rationally becomes a less polluted and fairer city.
More bicycle lanesAn option for moving about the city that does not pollute and is accessible to everyone. Safe cycle lanes for a more sustainable city.
A greener cityUna ciutat on el gris es fon amb el verd, on la natura troba el seu lloc i ens ofereix espais més saludables.
More metro connectionsUn transport soterrat d’alta capacitat que connecta la ciutat amb una xarxa que cada cop arriba a més barris.
More peopleA city designed for people becomes a health city with quality public space where people can walk, play, do sport and breathe cleaner air.