Il·lustració de diferents llocs de Barcelona: Sagrada Família, Camp Nou, torre Agbar © Astrid Ortiz
Tourism, between wealth and residents’ complaints

Barcelona receives more than 12 million visitors per year for both business and pleasure. The city is the location of one out of every three tourism companies in Catalonia and almost...

Portrait of Dominique Méda © Albert Armengol
Reinventing work in a more humane and ecological society

Thinker of reference in the study of work, Méda impresses with her passionate, direct, documented and rigorous discourse in defence of work in general and of wage earners in particular,...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un laberint amb dues portes. En la del mig de la imatge, hi ha dues dones, una a cada banda de la porta. A la part inferior esquerra de la imatge, hi ha un home mirant el terra.
Building the metropolisFor a more cohesive society

The last economic crisis had serious repercussions in terms of social cohesion and, for over a decade, Barcelona has been endeavouring to overcome the worst ramifications of that...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Un laberint amb dues portes. En la del mig de la imatge, hi ha dues dones, una a cada banda de la porta. A la part inferior esquerra de la imatge, hi ha un home mirant el terra.
Por una sociedad más cohesionada

La última crisis económica ocasionó graves efectos en términos de cohesión social, y hace más de una década que Barcelona intenta superar las peores secuelas de aquel cataclismo...

Il·lustració © Ana Yael Zareceansky. Dues persones es troben assegudes en uns balancins, cadascuna sobre un precipici. Entre les dues persones es veu un pont que aquestes dues persones estan teixint.
Building the metropolisThe era of re-balancing economic policies with global projection

One of the essential questions with which cities like Barcelona are currently grappling is how can we combine economic success in global terms with local prosperity and social...

Braç robòtic presentat al 4YFN 2019
Digital cityBarcelona in figures: Industry 4.0

Information and communications technologies are a strategic sector in a city’s economy, not just because of the volume of investment and jobs they generate, but also because of...

Precarious employment and the generation gap in culture

The 2008 crisis was devastating for culture. Cutbacks left many projects without funding and public services had to reduce or freeze hiring. Precarious employment in the sector...

Persones mirant uns quadres en una exposició © Vicente Zambrano
Cultural vulnerability

Cultural workers live in a lamentable state of job insecurity, as we can see from the debate that opens this Culture Folder. The arts actually help us to recognise ourselves in our...

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