Il·lustració d'una pistola que enlloc de canó per les bales té un objectiu de càmara de vigilància
Digital cityWatched democracies

In most cities there are hardly any spaces left for public cohabitation: by neglecting parks and common areas, by closing cultural spaces, by cutting budgets for extracurricular...

Fotograma del film 'Human Flow' del director Ai Weiwei
View from the heights

It is always possible for anyone, even a "great" artist to address others or represent them visually without viewing them "from on high". This is not the case in Human Flow, the...

Retrat de Sergio Fajardo © Santiago Sepúlveda
“I don’t believe in the politicians that say: ‘I do what the people want’”

Sergio Fajardo

Not affiliated with any of the traditional parties, he became mayor of Medellín in 2004 leading a citizen movement and completely renewed a city that had entered a deep black period in...

Open cityWhere do they keep the white people?

For the first time in many years, the term “fascism” is being used in the United States to refer to the rhetorical return of white supremacists, and the threat it represents for the...

Open cityRefugee cities: an alternative?

Just as borders are accepted as an inevitable part of our reality, it seems increasingly difficult to imagine a migration policy that doesn’t involve an unyielding defence of the...

Retrat de Marta Reynal-Querol
Science at the service of conflict prevention

Marta Reynal-Querol

To prevent wars, it is essential that we stress on the prior latent causes of the unrest. The use of modern technologies and the analysis of big data are the basis of innovative...

Retrat de Simona Levi © Pere Virgili
Positive passion for changing our reality

Simona Levi, playwright and activist

Digital technology has changed society, but there is still a long way to go. As part of the Xnet action group, Simona Levi works to improve democracy in the digital age and to make...

Retrat de Josep Maria Antó © Pere Virgili
“Our health and that of the environment go together”

Josep Maria Antó, Director of Science at the Barcelona Institute of Global Health

A sword of Damocles hangs over the head of today's generations: the deterioration of the environment and climate change. The impact on human health of all this environmental turbulence...


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