Espectacle Afasia de Marcel·lí Antúnez. © Carles Rodríguez
Towards a sustainable culture

The climate emergency declaration in Barcelona is heralding a change in mind-set that will also bring a transformation of culture. The decade we are beginning calls for new voices and...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapThe policies sought by the new generations

The design of the current welfare state and the social and economic reality facing young people today suggest that their demands will be more of a qualitative (a reorientation of policy...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapPolicies for young people

We are experiencing a generational regression for the first time. The social elevator, which had greatly improved the status of previous generations, has ground to a halt. To date,...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapYoung people’s consumption and the climate crisis

Something is changing in young people’s consumption habits. The current economic situation of precariousness and the evidence of the climate crisis have heightened socio-environmental...

Il·lustració © Joan Alturo
The generational gapWhen stability seems utopian

In recent decades, job insecurity has taken root in society and affects younger generations in particular. The delay in gaining access to decent employment postpones all the rites of...

Il·lustració © Sonia Alins
New vulnerabilitiesVulnerable beings, violated lives

Western industrial culture has accomplished major achievements in recent centuries, such as finding the cure to many once-fatal diseases or the sharp rise in life expectancy. The problem...

Il·lustració d'uns micos en un parc vestits com científics © Ana Yael Zareceansky
The hundredth monkey effect

Similar: we see the little hands and little fingers (oh, the defining opposable thumb) and they seem so human. Then we look them in the eyes and the familiarity is complete. When we look...

Il·lustració d'una fila de persones agafant cada una amb les mans el cap de qui té davant
Digital cityThe ecosystem of knowledge as a common asset

Urban environments are characterised by the opportunities they offer to think of a political culture where shared knowledge assets can be managed jointly by different sized groups with...

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