Persones caminant entre les parades de llibres el dia de Sant Jordi del 2018. © Vicente Zambrano
Sant Jordi versus coronavirus. Rescue bookshops and save books

23 April 2020. Like every year, Sant Jordi [St. George] has to slay the dragon, but this year the story has taken a different path and the enemy has mutated into a virus that cannot be...

Un moment de l’espectacle de dansa i poesia visual #14::SKYLINE_EXTENDED:: creat per Kònic Thtr. © Kònic Thtr
The digital arts, a field open to creation

From the art world, new technologies —and especially present-day digital technologies— have always been a field for research and experimentation, as well as for critique and reflection....

Shooting of the film Solo química [Just a Little Chemistry]. © Rodar y Rodar.
The Catalan audiovisual market

Does it make sense to speak of a Catalan audiovisual market today? Catalonia’s audiovisual ecosystem is undergoing a serious crisis. We have talked with professionals in the sector,...

Older women singing while performing a choreography with their hands. © Laura Guerrero
Cultural Democracy

If culture is to help us to create a community, the consumer of art must also be a participant and not a mere spectator. Participation enables us to broaden our point of view and...

L'Eixample de Barcelona © Pepe Navarro
Conquering margins

Barcelona’s geometric structure marks out the scenarios of its literature, occasionally facing a suffocating and distressing interior, and in other instances facing margins that...

Un carrer del Raval © Consuelo Bautista
Writing about Barcelona is getting lost in a garden maze

If we take a look back, we may realise that a novel about Barcelona offers two ways of seeing the city. The one put forward by Spanish-language authors is based on a more...

Llibres oberts © Vicente Zambrano
Between languages and literatures

We have asked Barcelona authors who write in Catalan and/or in Spanish whether they believe that the Barcelona in novels differs at all if one language or the other is used...

Precarious employment and the generation gap in culture

The 2008 crisis was devastating for culture. Cutbacks left many projects without funding and public services had to reduce or freeze hiring. Precarious employment in the sector...

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