Joan Manuel Serrat

  • Música

Antología desordenada

Last February marked fifty years since the first public performance by Joan Manuel Serrat, whose legendary voice has featured on the Grec programme on many occasions, and who now returns to review half a century of songs.

One morning in 1965, it fell to the journalist Salvador Escamilla to introduce that young singer-songwriter to Catalan audiences on his programme Radioescope. Escamilla must have foreseen the important role that the young man was to play in the music of our country and half the planet, moreover, because he recommended a record label, Edigsa, where Serrat soon cut his first album. Today, the “kid from Poble-sec” is no longer a kid, but a venerable artist that, despite the passing of the years, has lost none of his ability to move audiences with his own verses and those of others, revealing the beauty, joy and sadness found in everyday things. Serrat celebrated this fiftieth anniversary by releasing an album on which he revisits, in his voice as it is today and accompanied by various guest artists, songs from the last half-century: from Mediterráneo to Barcelona i jo; from Cançó de matinada to Romance de Curro El Palmo, the inspiration for a show presented at the Grec last year; and from Para la libertad to Paraules d’amor. Serrat returns home.

Artistic card

Autoria: Joan Manuel Serrat; Direcció musical: Ricard Miralles; Piano: Ricard Miralles ; Teclat i programacions: José Mas Kitflus ; Bateria i percussió: Vicente Climent ; Guitarra: David Palau ; Contrabaix i baix elèctric: Ray Ferrer ; Disseny d'il·luminació: Òscar Gallardo; So de sala: Virgilio Fernández; So d'escena: Manuel Cervera; Backliners: Alejandro Parra; Assistència a l'escenari: Queco Serrat; Logistic Control Serrat: Xavi Ramírez; Regidoria: Andrés Seco; Producció executiva: The Project; Producció: Berry Produccions S.L. / Taller 83 S.A.;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    28-58 €