Marta Roig Pagès

ta Roig Pagès holds a diploma in library science and documentation and a master’s degree in school libraries and the promotion of reading. Since 2019, she’s been the technical secretary of IBBYcat, organisation for children’s/young adult books in Catalan, which she joined in 2008 as a representative of the Professional Association of Librarians and Documentarians of Catalonia (COBDC) and the coordinator of the Nascuts per llegir [Born to Read] programme. She later became the coordinator of the Municipi Lector [City of Readers] programme. Her work has led her to imagine, create and coordinate projects and activities to promote reading and school libraries, and she has developed and led several reading laboratories. She has also trained and advised professionals, organisations and companies in the fields of culture and education.

IG: @mroigpages

X: @martaroigpages