Gemma Solsona
Gemma Solsona Asensio,born in Barcelona in 1977, holds an undergraduate degree in audiovisual communication and works in marketing. A creative writing professor, she organises workshops and book clubs, contributes to Zenda magazine, and is presenting Un desván propio [An Attic of One’s Own] at Gigamesh bookshop. She’s coordinated anthologies such as Donde las hadas no se aventuran [Where Fairies Don’t Dare Go] Ars Moriendi, Un mundo en la chistera [A World in a Magician’s Hat] and the Shirley Jackson-inspired Todavía vivimos en el castillo [We Still Live in the Castle] (Apache), and she’s published Valguamar, cuentos de lugares, amores y difuntos [Valguamar: Stories of Places, Love and Death] in collaboration with Tebu Guerra; Maullidos [Meows], Casa volada [Flying House] Blancogramas, Brujas blancas, hadas negras [White Witches, Black Fairies] and her recent Lo que se esconde al final de la escalera [What’s Hiding Beyond the Staircase] (Eolas).
IG: @gemmasolsonaasensio
X: @GemmaSolsona